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It's not possible to open the following presets from within the VSig Editor (2.4):

#310 "8 Delays"

#314 "8 Pitchshifters"

#327 "Octal Moddelays"

#514 "DuellingDualDlys"

#523 "Parallel Dlys 8ch"

#528 "Ribbon Delay"

#611 "Band Delays 8ch"

#616 "ChordRezonator8ch"

#620 "Combdelays 8ch"

#627 "LongPanningDelays8"

#630 "PanningDelays_8"

#636 "Ringdelays 8ch"

#816 "Chorusdelays 8ch" (There exist two 816 presets with different names)

#827 "Envelope Flanger 8 II"

#839 "Pure Comb Flange8"

#854 "ChorusEchos 8ch"

#1010 "6 V Dlys & Verb

#1011 "Band Dlys 4_Ambience"

The error message that I get is: Assertion Failed at line 1234 of file.

The following presets are loaded but an error message shows before loading:

#329 "Simple Sampler"

The error message is: Unknown Operator in line: 13 ""0.0000"

Also there exist two different Stereo Chorus patches with the same name

Preset #1053 doesn't load at all. Error message:

ERROR – Suggest Power Down – host timeout –

Any ideas?

