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I should’ve mentioned this earlier.  Those downloads got me wondering if the User preset number is contained in the Save process, then subsequently recognized on import.  If I’m remembering correctly, I used drag ‘n’ drop that time around.

KC’s Space Fib imported at ser 32.  I believe I was at User preset 31 already, so I didn’t see that as unusual.  But KC’s Bounce Time preset landed at 1, where I already had a user preset.  So, duplicate User numbers; completely different preset structures.

I’m the first to admit terrible housekeeping when it comes to preset creation.  I need to figure out how much of this might be the process itself.  I’ll drop a couple more presets here; adding to the test cases.  [U]33 Impact Picowaves was created right after I downloaded KC’s 32 Space Fib, but it was created from my ‘blank slate’ SpaceTime preset 26 Neutral Program.  Now 26 Funky Wormhole was also built from the 26 Neutral Program.  The User preset numbers were duplicated for the same slot.



These two presets fall on the milder side.  For me, anyway.  Impact Picowaves uses the expression pedal to morph between small, unreal spaces.  The expression pedal is also key to the Funky Wormhole preset.  Not only does it automate the mixes, but it kicks in the INF setting at the extreme toe.  An active pedal can gate or fade out the reverb wash to creative effect.  HotSwitch settings again work in combination with the base presets, plus any given expression pedal position.