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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Blackhole prevents Logic X Pro 10.3.3 to startup (after saving project with BH) Reply To: Blackhole prevents Logic X Pro 10.3.3 to startup (after saving project with BH)


Hi Quin,

I’m running iLOK 5.0.3 GM (b2559, r44013)

So what happened this evening:

I put Blackhole back in my plugins folder and started Logic.

Then I inserted BH in a track and saved my project and restarted Logic.

Logic went OK! So problem solved I thought. I repeated it a few times with success.

After a while I rebooted my MacPro and I got the same problem, Logic gave an error.

After my dinner I rebooted again and everything went ok.

So next time it crashes I will send the Error log ok?

Gr. Phil