Experience with TapeEcho ???

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    • #163071

      It’s just my setup or TapeEcho mode doesn’t cut any bass??? (even with filter on 100!)

      Can’t put the feedback over 40 o so, otherwise the delayed sounds are way too muddy

    • #163117
      Eventide Staff

      The filter in Tape Echo is a high cut filter, so at 100 you will be cutting a lot of high frequency from your signal.

      Have you tried a low filter setting, or 0? This should allow you to use high feedback settings without the delayed signal sounding muddy.

    • #163164

      Yes it is only a high cut filter. No low cut. I find a low cut filter on delays more useful in general than a high cut. For the same reason you mention. The repeats will get muddy. With a low cut your repeats will not muddy the overall mix so much.

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