Is firmware exchange possible between two H9s?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Is firmware exchange possible between two H9s?

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    • #165113

      Hi all,

      Finally I bought a “used” H9 Max from a guitar store and they sent me a “H9 Core” in a H9 Max box.

      Now, the situation is suspended and the store, I think, is seeking for some solution for that.

      They have  a lot of used ones there, and I think there are two reasonable solution for this situation; either they will reimburse me $ 220 for an upgrade to Max (Most suitable solution:) or maybe we can make a firmware swap with a Max in their hands. (I am not in the Us now so sending the pedal back is not an option)

      Can the firmwares of two pedals be swapped? What do you think?



    • #165114
      Eventide Staff

      Hello Mutlu,

      No, the firmware of the pedals cannot be swapped. Other arrangements will have to be made with that dealer.

    • #165115

      I’d just do the reimbursement if the H9 Max is what you want and paid for.

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