Switching Between Guitar and Bass H90

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Switching Between Guitar and Bass H90

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by joecozzi
    Eventide Staff
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    • #170739


      I’m carefully going over the manual on my H90. My plan is to put it on a MIDI-controlled board I’m building that will have presets for guitar and bass. Now, do you have any recommendations how how to deal with the source instrument? It seems the source instrument settings is global only and cannot be changed between presets, or even with MIDI.

      Would you perhaps just manually change it when using the H90 with bass?

      Or would you just leave it set to guitar and just try and tailor some presets to work on bass regardless?

    • #170746
      Eventide Staff

      do you have any recommendations how how to deal with the source instrument? It seems the source instrument settings is global only and cannot be changed between presets, or even with MIDI. Would you perhaps just manually change it when using the H90 with bass?


      Or would you just leave it set to guitar and just try and tailor some presets to work on bass regardless?

      This will also work. The biggest changes that happens when selecting “bass” or “guitar” are adjusting the tone controls so they work in a meaningful part of the spectrum for bass. Also, the pitch tracking is optimized for bass. If you’re not going to be leaning heavily on those types of sounds, setting it to Guitar will be totally fine.

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