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Billy Foppiano

Yup. I am working with all the new stuff, Mac 10.6.4, starting with the TF, and THEN I'll move to the MF.

Thankfully, in the transaltion to the new software, my VERY custom DDL settings didn't get unstable…Last time, I had to revert back to Sys 2.5 because settings would oscillate out to space—-NOT in a good way.

I never named em, but some names come across (Bridge of Sighs), but IF I try and mname something in the Editor (Factor LIB 1.8), I get a pile of confusing numbers. Midi Clk is off.

It'd be nice to name em in the Editor. I'm eternally hopeful…..

I have 20 customs patches, so I won't be initialising to Factory Pres. Any ideas, in the Mac world????