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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Pitchfactor vocal harmonies? Reply To: Pitchfactor vocal harmonies?


Hi, I'm new to forums so please forgive me jumping in like this!  It seemed relevant… 

I also want to use a PitchFactor (and a TimeFactor) Stompbox(es) on my vocals, and haven't got a preamp or mixer, but just to see what happened I plugged an SM58 straight in to my PitchFactor using a mike lead and a female XLR to 1/4 jack adaptor, and it worked straight away, directly in to the stomp box! connecting the TimeFactor after the PitchFactor it still worked! 

My question is, is this going to break my stompboxes, or blow them up or something because I didn't use a preamp or mixer? Or is it going to cause any problems live or in the studio without the items you recommend?

Cheers, Henry