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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Omnipressor/ 2016 Stereo room not appearing in PT8 Reply To: Omnipressor/ 2016 Stereo room not appearing in PT8

Eventide Staff

HI Helado,

If you want to run the plug-ins in PT8 TDM you will need to install the TDM version of the plug-in from here: http://www.eventide.com/AudioDivision/Support/Plug-ins/Anthology%20II.aspx

Specifically, for Omnipressor you will need the http://www.eventide.com/~/media/Files/Audio%20Support/Plug%20Ins/Eventide%20Users/Omnipressor_Installer_Mac.ashx installer.

Because the 2016 Stereo Room for TDM was originally a Princeton Digital product, you will also need a different license for the TDM version of the 2016.  Alternatively, if you use PT10, you can use the Native AAX installers that you downloaded, but they are not compatible for PT8.  The PT plug-in picture has gotten a bit complicated over the last couple of years, if you contact support@eventide.com we can help you further in getting sorted.  Sorry this has been so confusing.
