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Home Forums Products Stompboxes [RCV CTL] ? There are new choices for Receive Control to alter the unit?s BYPASS setting: ACT ? Make the unit ACTive, i.e. not bypassed. TOG ? TOGgle the between bypass and active. Reply To: [RCV CTL] ? There are new choices for Receive Control to alter the unit?s BYPASS setting: ACT ? Make the unit ACTive, i.e. not bypassed. TOG ? TOGgle the between bypass and active.


I perfectely undersatand how it works, it may be not clear as I am french and my english may not be clear… I'll try and make myself understood :

I use a Musicom Lab EFX MKII that can send 2 Program Changes per preset. I use PC 1 on midi channel 1 to control my midi switcher, and PC2 on midi channel 2 to control my TimeFactor. The TF is set on midi channel 2. My timefactor is at the end of the signal chain, after the Musicom Lab (not in one of the 8 loops, so…) so I wanted to control the TF bypass via Programm Change with the Musicom Lab. I updated the TF in order to have the new 3 bypass functions (BYP, ACT, TOG). I didn't change the map, so here is how it is mapped in the TF midi map :

TOG -> 124

BYP -> 125

ACT -> 126

What I wanted to do when programming the Musicom Lab is :

– if I want delay : send a PC on channel 2 corresponding to the TF preset number I want (ex : PC 2 if I want the TF to switch to BNK 1:2, PC 3 if I want the TF to switch to BNK 2:1 etc…)

– if I don't want delay : send a PC on channel 2 with value = 125 to have the TF bypassed

It works great, but if I send PC 125 when the TF is already bypassed, it activates the TimeFactor…

I hope It's clearer…