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I have about another dozen presets compiled along similar lines.  Considering the self-imposed limitations – no primary focus on pitch shifting – I should be running out of inspiration any day now.  The bonus for me is that I've uncovered all sorts of unusual pitch effects in the process.  Enough for an entirely separate thread.


Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = FLTA: 100

Pitch B = FLTB: 25

Delay A = RES-A  10

Delay B = RES-B  10

(encoder) = OCTAVER / UNUSED

Depth / Key = DPTH:  0

Speed / Scale = SENS:  0

Xnob = FUZZ:  11

Ynob = oct …|| ……. fz


(EXP PED Heel) = FLTA:  100  FLTB:  25

(EXP PED Toe) = FLTA:  25  FLTB:  100


This is the one that got away from me.  The Synthi Hi-Fli was a monstrous, fuzzy-buzzy effects box with an incredible phase filter modulation section.  This preset is my attempt at reproducing some of the vocal-like WAW and MEOW settings.  A big part of the Synthi control was in the dual footpedals, and it's no different here.

Expression Pedal:

You almost need a pumping expression pedal to get the desired effect here.  I did try a MIDI LFO over a PED assignment, and the PitchFactor started freaking out.  Moving the EXP PED from heel to toe (and back again) crosses the cutoff frequency of one resonant filter over the other.  It's these crossing frequencies that combine for the vocalization effect.