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olivier_1976 wrote:

I'm a bit disappointed with your first answer and I never received any answer to a second email to unregistering my H9 from the previous owner.



I looked up your ticket in our support system. We replied to both of your emails.  I'm not sure why you never received the response, but there are cases where email providers simply refuse to accept emails for whatever reason. If you have another email address you could use, it would be better to try with a different email address.

olivier_1976 wrote:

In all cases, I'm the victim of an dishonest seller. 

Your solution was "The dealer should not have sold you this unit. You will need to return it to them and get a replacement".

I think there is no possibility in that way.

If the H9 has been stolen in a store, how can I contact the owner ?

Can I expect support from Eventide for any proposal to solve my problem ?



If your H9 was in fact stolen, that actually complicates things a bit, because these sorts of problems aren't handled by our support people but instead by a lawyer because that involves legal liability. These sorts of cases have come up in the past, but as they weren't handled by us, I can't say what the actual outcome was.


But in any case if you want us to figure out what the story is with that unit please send an email to support@eventide.com from a different email address.