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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Eventide Rose – Modulation Modes Reply To: Eventide Rose – Modulation Modes

Eventide Staff
pepeflores2003 wrote:

So far, I understand:

– The LFO modulates only the PITCH of the delay line

– When Rate is set to minimum (counterclockwise), the Rose enters 'Envelope Off' mode allowing the Depth Control to act as a simple detuner

– When Rate is set to maximum (fully clockwise), the Depth Control allows to sweep the delay to generate pitch fluctuations

However, I can't find a video where you explain all the different relationships available between the Rate and Depth Knobs to generate different effects depending on each of the five modulation sources available??

Could you explain this further?

I just find the effects generated quite unpredictable so far…Thanks

LFO (low-frequency oscillator) modulates the delay signals, but not neccesary the PITCH (althogh it sounds like pitch sometimes). There are 5 different moduilation sources/wave forms (sine, square, input envelope, random, experssion pedal). The Rate and Depth are the rate and depth of the LFO.

The effects are quite unpredictable. I totally agree and that's the nature and beauty of a Rose.