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Hi Tom,

Yep, I can reactivate the plugin in Cubase and it shows up in the regular Cubase plugin list (in red). I tried the plugin (Quadravox) and it processed audio. The time I tried to restart Cubase (with the reactivated “red” plugin) it crashed, so I uninstalled the plug in again. Interesting note, when the plugin was in the blacklist is shows “VST2” but when reactivated and in the normal list, it shows as “VST2.4”. Both were listed as 64 bit, ( I only installed the 64bit version of the plug.)

Here’s a few other details that I passed along to Jerome (at Eventide) as well… 

– I tried disabling avast antivirus during the plug in installation (and running of Cubase) and I restarted the computer after installation.

– I tried installing just the 64 bit version only, and also, both 32 and 64 bit versions.

Neither of those helped.

-Running as Administrator, or running the plugin install (or Cubase) in “windows 8 compatability mode” didn’t help.

My previous computer (that I’m retiring, and which all Eventide plug ins installed and worked just find back late-summer) was running Windows 10 Pro (version 1903) on a Lenovo Twist laptop. My new computer is a Power Spec (i7-8700) Windows Pro 10 version 1809 (completely updated Windows, ilok, cubase, and plugin downloads). I later updated windows on the new pc to the same version (1903) as my old computer (which was not having blacklist problems) but it didn’t help.

I checked my Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, and both computers had versions from 2017, 2013, 2012… The newest 2017 package (on both computers) is version 2017 (14.16.27027.1), and thus when I tried to install the package you mentioned earlier in the post, it wouldn’t allow the older version to be installed.

Good luck in your digging.
