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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 Sample Rate question Reply To: H9 Sample Rate question

Fender17 wrote:

Sample rate and bitdepth is indeed irrelevant when it exeeds certain level. Sample rate and bitdepth should match the purpose intended by designer and desired by user. The purpose of pedal is to change the sound not to maintain the fidelity of the sound. One may like the sound tweaks one may not. That is what is important. Knowledge of innerworkings may be interresting, but it says almost nothing about resulting sound….

I do use h9 with synths and I like the sound. That is enought for me to know about H9.

You get to speak for yourself, but you don’t get to speak for everyone else.  Your remarks about bit depth and sampling rates are nebulous at best.  I’m glad the pedal works for you.  But I have already ruled it out due to poor fidelity, which may not matter to you, but it does matter to me.  We clearly have different needs.

To each his own.