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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins H9 Series Plugin bundle – only some plugins accessible in DAW Reply To: H9 Series Plugin bundle – only some plugins accessible in DAW

Eventide Staff
wilkinsi wrote:

tlongabaugh wrote:

Where are you looking in the DP plugin menus? If they have passed validation and are enabled in DP, then there's not much more we can do on our end to get them to show up. That's a DP problem. Perhaps there's some filtering or something else turned on in DP that isn't showing all plugins?


I'm looking in audio plugin preferences. Normally, to select a plugin, you right-click in an empty insert space of a track for example, go down to Eventide, but alas, there are only 5 plugins available, of which I have already purchased 3. Tricachorus and Mangledverb are there as trials. I just can't get the others to appear.

Okay, unfortunately I do not have a system with Digital Performer on it with me today, so I cannot fully troubleshoot. I can dig in more on Monday, after the Thanksgiving holiday.

However, I really am baffled – if the plugins are showing up as "Passed" in the DP settings, AND are Enabled, then I have no idea why they wouldn't appear in the plugin insert menus. I don't know what else would need to be done to get them to appear.

There are two more things you could try, thinking offhand:

1) Close DP, navigate to ~/Library/Preferences/com.motu.MotuAudioSystem and delete the AU and VST cache files found there. On startup, DP will rescan all of your plugins again.

2) Check if the plugins appear in another AU host – this would help confirm if the issue is Eventide specific or DP-specific