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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Blackhole VST – Mouse Scroll not modifying correct parameters on knob hover Reply To: Blackhole VST – Mouse Scroll not modifying correct parameters on knob hover

Eventide Staff
rvrupp wrote:

I usually use my mouse scroll to change dial parameters. I've noticed that in the Blackhole plug-in, whenever I hover over "Mix" and "Gravity", parameters "Depth" and "Rate"  are modified instead, respectively. However whenever I hover over any other parameter in the plug-in, it works as intended. 

Has anyone else noticed that?

Hi, sorry for your issue. For starters, could you please give a bit more information regarding your set up?

Are you using Windows or macOS and what operating system are you running? Which DAW are you using?  

I just tested this using Big Sur and wasn't able to reproduce the issue in Ableton 11 or Pro Tools 2020.9.1, all of the correct parameters were adjusted when using the mouse scroll. I'll see if I can reproduce your issue using your same OS and DAW.

