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Ok, I hope it get cracked soon like most of your other plugins as well. Thanks for your help.

Give them to me for free or I’ll steal them. nice guy

I totally agree, nicototem. We were entitled to the plugins but for whatever reason (no email sent / went to promotions folder, etc), we’ve now been hung out to dry. There are now a whole pile of people who’ve bought a flagship Eventide product, who will never buy one again. I’m one of them. I only hope that if enough people point this out, Eventide will do the rational thing and credit the plugins to the accounts of H9 Max users who had registered units at the time of the ‘promotion’

Entitled? You’re only entitled to what you pay for. It was a limited time promotion. LIMITED TIME. That time has long passed. If you didn’t redeem the promotion, thats no ones fault but your own.


The sense of entitlement on this thread is disgusting.