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What was enhanced in Tempo Sync? …
I could’ve phrased that in a better way; one that didn’t mirror feature descriptions in the manuals. I’m trying to tone down my TL;DRs.
I meant that I can’t seem to confuse the H90 Loopers with rapid control parameter changes, like I could on occasion with the H9 version. Be it tighter coding, processing overhead, or confirmation bias on my part, I haven’t been able to get the H90 Looper to slip from sync (unless that was the original intent). ‘Next MIDI tick’ really feels like the next MIDI tick. That’s important to me with long loops, while tossing frantic changes at them.
My acid test is the MIDI output from an MPX-1. If the H90 can handle that (within reason – serial protocol), it can handle anything. My essential secret weapon – I’m surprised these didn’t all get snapped up solely as MIDI generators, back at pre-pandemic pricing.