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Eventide Staff

So, the question, are HSs really one way streets, you can change a value but not change it back?

They are not one way streets. What messages are you sending the HotSwitch? You only need to send a value of 127 on the same CC to toggle between states. Sending a value of zero will have no effect.

Mapping a Quick Know (QK) to a midi button works fine, except it has a similar problem. If the midi controller button toggles between 0 and 127, then of course the mix value, for example, will toggle between off and all wet. The only way to have the QK work in a range is to set the midi controller to a range. That, however, make the button pretty useless for any other preset. Of course, I could map the QK to an expression pedal connected to the midi controller and have the range I want, but I would also like a way to do a simple change, like the HKs do. Thanks

It is possible to customize these type of changes on a Program basis if, instead of mapping your controller to a Quick Knob, you map it to a specific parameter in the Parameters menu of the H90. There you can customize ranges differently for every Program. All you need to do is use the same CC# across Programs. Example: CC#15 always control “Mix” for Preset A.