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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 algorithms doesen’t detect stereo signal from stereo loop Reply To: H90 algorithms doesen’t detect stereo signal from stereo loop


I know you guys are working on it, but I just thought I’d chime in with same issue. For me, I’m using A: Dual Delay and B: ModEchoVerb with a stereo insert (doesn’t seem to matter if it’s pre, mid, or post).

What’s interesting in my case is that the Dual Delay algo pans correctly, even with the stereo loop engaged, if it’s the only effect enabled. If the B effect (ModEchoVerb) is off I get stereo, if it’s on it’s like everything sums to mono. It still sounds great, just obviously missing that wide image.

It’s not a disaster or anything, but I’m glad to hear you guys are already working on it!