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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 – what will happen when servers go offline and H9 Control can’t “log in”? Reply To: H9 – what will happen when servers go offline and H9 Control can’t “log in”?


I’m just a user with no inside information, but …

This question was put to Eventide about two years ago.  Their response was basically, “We understand this would be a big problem and we respect our customers.” I believe them.  They are endlessly courteous and patient with people on The Gear Page all day everyday while other companies seem to harbor contempt for their customers.

I took their comment to mean that end of life is not presently foreseeable but almost all computers/software eventually sunset.  In that discussion, one user said a third-party/enthusiast could eventually cook-up some software/website-hosting mojo to keep it going in perpetuity, but that’s speculative.

One data point that we have is that Eventide still supports the Factor pedals.  Talk about long in the tooth.  What are they 20+ years old now?

And let’s not forget that Eventide still sells the H9 new.   I don’t believe they are going to screw new H9 customers.

Another data point is that H9 users used to be able to buy algorithms one at a time.  While Eventide eventually changed that policy, they gave plenty of advanced notice and then gave away a serious plugin package to those affected.  It was very generous.