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Hello Sonicdeviant, Seems like you just need to configure the operating levels of the H90 to match that of your signal flow. Usually, the front end of an amp functions at instrument level while the FX loop runs at line level. Go into the System menu > I/O > In 1/2 & Out 1/2 should be set to Inst, while In 3/In4 & Out3/Out4 should be set to Line. Here’s a video explaining the process: https://youtu.be/5y14LwN9oAk?feature=shared&t=2091
Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, I had all of that set correctly—and even set them all to INSTR in attempts to affect the sudden change of gain when bypassing a program.
I’m doing a few more experiments to rule out my amp first. It’s a Boss Katana Artist MkII, and so I’m going to check the software effects loop settings to ensure they’re not goofy. May not be the H90 at all.
I did rule out my pedal board by going directly into the H90 with my guitar. Also ruled out cables. Same outcome
Thank you and will report back.