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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Looper DAW Sync Reply To: H90 Looper DAW Sync

Eventide Staff


Can you please let me know what you have tried and what is not working? Here is a forum with some details about how to output MIDI clock using Reaper: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=254514

On the H90, you need to set your clock source to USB or DIN depending on how you are connecting it to your computer. Go to the H90’s tempo menu and select “Source > MIDI Clock”. You should find that when you play the transport in Reaper and change the tempo, the H90’s clock will follow. Note that when Reaper’s transport is not playing, it will not output MIDI clock, and therefore the H90 will have no clock to follow.

If you turn Tempo Mode on for the Looper, it will follow MIDI clock, more information about how it responds to MIDI start/stop can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.9.4/content/algorithms/looper.html

After setting all of this up, you should find that once the transport in Reaper is playing, you can press record on the H90 looper and it will wait for a downbeat to initialize the looper’s recording.

Once a loop is recorded, you should find that stopping and starting the transport in Reaper will also cause the H90 looper to stop/start.

Let me know if that helps.