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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Momentary Bypass: How to have it temporarily disable Reply To: H90 Momentary Bypass: How to have it temporarily disable

Eventide Staff

I’m using a preset with a Reverse Reverb algorithm that I’d like to temporarily disable with a single press/hold of a footswitch for a specific part of the chord progression, in which that reverb isn’t needed. Is it possibile to do that?

True: It’s not possible to do it with one press; it is possible with two (bypass, then active). The momentary function only serves turn on the preset, not the other way around. One option is to use one of the Perform Mode Hotswitches mapped to the Wet Mix parameter of the Reverse algorithm. You can assign the Hotswitch (M) such that when it is engaged the value for Wet Mix is zero. When your foot is not on the Hotswitch (m) the Wet Mix is simply at its starting value. This will work how you want.