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Thank you for answering.
This happens with every H90 Program. I even tried, thanks to your advice, using one of the INIT Programs with the two THRU algorithms but the hum barely changes. Of course, it is much more intense when a normal Program is engaged. If, for instance, a Polyphony algorithm is active, it even tends to harmonize with the noise. I’ll try and attach pictures to show that all inputs and outputs are set to the normal factory default setting of Inst.

The noise is still present when I bypass the H90, either when the P Bypass is set to Relay or to DSP (when set to DSP the noise is more intense than when set to Relay when bypassed), but if I connect my guitar directly to the amp the noise is basically nonexistent, so it must come from the H90 (even when bypassed).

I have tried using multiple guitars, both with Humbuckers and with Single Coils, and like I previously mentioned a friend of mine reported the same issue to me.
Yes, the H90 is connected to a different power outlet than my amp.

I don’t think I can upload videos right? If I could, I would show you the difference.

Thank you

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