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I tested this for a while last night with everything in the secondary menu zeroed out. On the primary menu, Voice B’s pitch shift is set to zero, rate and depth are set to zero, Pitch Mix is set all the way to A, Mix is set all the way CW (100% wet), and I turned on Kill Dry. I hit the high E and gradually turned Voice A up from zero to max (+50 cents). In this scenario, I was expecting to hear just one tone that gradually goes up in pitch (since the original tone should have been killed and I’m not using anything out of Voice B because of the Pitch Mix knob), but I’m still getting the original tone. Where is it coming from?

Is there a way to completely isolate a pitch shifted tone, like to hit a note, turn the Pitch A knob CW, and it effectively sounds like a string bend? I’m trying to run a wet/dry/wet rig.

Is there still something I’m not doing right given what I’m trying to achieve?

Thanks for all the help thus far.