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Thanks a lot for reply!

I use Channel 2 on Reflex (some time ago I discovered that it ignores setting the Channel through Neuro app and set it using footswitch hold as you described) and Channel 4 on H90, double-checked this during tests.

Tried to disable MIDI Merge function, but the issue is still persists.

This chain is my first experience with MIDI, didn’t realize that such corruptions are possible, so I guess it’s a luck that only one device is affected in whole chain.
Current workaround for me is to put H90 first after MC6, luckily the cable length was enough, other devices are working as well.

Controlling the H90 using TRS Expression, so no any functionality loss here.

If you have the time to reproduce the problem in future will appreciate it anyway, it will help to determine if this is a MIDI issue or some kind of hardware problem.