Feature request regarding in/out routing

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Feature request regarding in/out routing

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    • #180329

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>One thing I‘m dearly missing on the H90 is the option to choose which inputs (e.g. L only, R only, summed mono, stereo) as well as outputs (e.g. summed mono on both outputs, regular stereo) I‘m using per program. Would be great when e.g. using multiple instruments, running parallel paths before the H90 or wanting to connect every input/output on your pedalboard due to size restrictions but still having the flexibility to digitally choose which one you‘re using (e.g. mono when going to an amp, stereo when going to a DAW).</span>

    • #180335
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for your request. We are working on some new features that should address some of your concerns.

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