H9 algorithms purchasing

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    • #111457

      Hello Eventide! First of all I want to thank you for the great pedal! H9 is the best stompbox I've ever heard! Is there any other way to buy algorithms? Maybe Visa card or PayPal, because Amazon payment works in US only… And I'm living in Europe, and can't purchase algos withoun amazon account… Thank you!

    • #125552

      We haven't added paypal directly to H9 Control yet, because their payment service for applications is still in beta.  But if you send an email to support@eventide.com, they'll let you know what to do if you'd like to make a paypal transfer to Eventide and have us add algorithms to your account when the payment is received.

    • #125553

      Great news! Thank you, I hope it will work!

    • #125554

      Amazon Payments works outside of the US…. At least it worked for me in the UK.

      it does display the cost in dollars and charges you in dollars, which you card provider will convert into your local currency … I guess they may charge you a fee.. In fact I just got my cc statement through and it had an algorithm on it purchased via amazon … It was marginally cheaper (50p) than via iTunes.

    • #125555


      Amazon Payments works outside of the US…. At least it worked for me in the UK.

      Yes, Amazon Payments should work in Europe if you pay with a credit card I believe.  From what I understand, you can't use an ec-card with Amazon payments, but having read the original post again, the original poster did mention having a Visa card.  And that should work…

    • #136288

      This is what amazon payment tells me when I'm registering…
      "To ensure compliance with federal law, Amazon Payments requires that you provide certain information. We failed to verify the information previously entered "

      When I'm trying to register, amazon payment asking some information about address and social number… There is no option to choose another country except US, and how can I have a social number living outside US… I've added my Visa card to my incomplete account, and H9 Control see my card, but it did't work… And this is what amazon said in H9 control browser

      "The payment could not be processed. Amazon has indicated that the given
      Amazon account is invalid. Amazon returned the following message regarding the

      Sender account cannot participate in the transaction"

    • #136290

      Hm. Well, thanks for letting us know.  We didn't know that some people were running into this problem. I guess for now you could email support@eventide.com as I mentioned above, and they'll help you out.  

    • #136291

      I've emailed support@eventide.com yestaday. Hope they will help 🙂

    • #138622

      hi there!i also send message to support about i need 9 algorithms for upgrade to max.i want pay through paypal.please check.best regards!

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