H9 Bass Presets

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    • #113304

      Here is a Preset List of some presets especially tailored for bass and a variety of utility presets and special effects good to tweak for bass.

      Dropbox:  https://www.dropbox.com/home/KCStratMan_H9_Preset_Lists?preview=H9_Bass_Presets_List_01.h9z

    • #142749

      Appreciate the list; I love the H9 but I get lost in it rather quickly.

    • #142750

      Nice collection, KC.    Thanks for posting.  Just getting to the download and a quick run-through.  Sounds good with a pitch-shifted guitar (until I can break out some real basses).  Synths, too.

      After unzipping, I discarded the upper folder, and dropped it under my local Preset List folder.  It came in as ’92 Bass Presets’, so I renumbered the List to align with own Preset List sequence.  Apparently, valid Preset List numbers can range from L0 through L9999.

    • #144498

      Hi I just downloaded the file you have and see all the presets you have in there. However they all show up as TIDE files for me?  Shouldn’t they be .h9z files?  Am I doing something wrong that i dont know about?  Thanks for the help just got the H9 and wanted to see what other people have done with it. Thanks


    • #166039

      Hi! KC do you mind to upload the presets again? Thanks


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