H9 isn’t saving any settings or presets between power cycles

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    • #113703

      This is my first day owning an H9 (second-hand), but I’m pretty sure that something is wrong here.  Quoting the manual: “When the H9 turns on it remembers what it was last doing and powers up in the same mode, running the same Preset, with the same parameter values, same tempo, same system settings, etc”

      That’s definitely not the experience I’m having.  I’m finding that it never saves any of the System Mode settings in between power cycles, nor does it return to the last preset I’ve used.  It always returns to preset #1, and everything in System Mode goes back to factory defaults after I turn off and turn back on the device.  The only state changes that are recalled between power cycles are changes to presets (parameters or naming) done on the stompbox itself.

      I haven’t been able to try making other changes through Control applications because I’m waiting on Eventide to help switch the registration over from the former owner to me (he forgot to do this while he still had it on his person).  This H9 is also still on v5.0.1, so for all I know the product was incapable of saving things in this earlier firmware.

      It makes no difference if I switch power on/off using the lead, the wall wart itself, or a switch on a surge protector.  The wall wart included with the H9 is Eventide brand and fits the specs on the H9, and the previous owner attests that it was the wall wart that came with the original product.

      Can anyone speak to whether this is expected behavior for v5.0.1, or if I possibly ended up with a second-hand H9 that has hardware issues?

    • #144355
      autopoiesis wrote:

      Can anyone speak to whether this is expected behavior for v5.0.1, or if I possibly ended up with a second-hand H9 that has hardware issues?

      I believe there was a bug in 5.0.1[3] that caused this behavior, and it was fixed in 5.0.1[4].  In any case once you get your registration issues worked out, it would be best to upgrade to the latest firmware, and check if the problem is still occurring.  

      There have been some cases where H9s aren't saving their settings properly at shutdown due to a hardware fault, but try upgrading first and let us know if that fixes the problem.

      • #144360
        gkellum wrote:

        autopoiesis wrote:

        Can anyone speak to whether this is expected behavior for v5.0.1, or if I possibly ended up with a second-hand H9 that has hardware issues?

        I believe there was a bug in 5.0.1[3] that caused this behavior, and it was fixed in 5.0.1[4].  In any case once you get your registration issues worked out, it would be best to upgrade to the latest firmware, and check if the problem is still occurring.  

        There have been some cases where H9s aren’t saving their settings properly at shutdown due to a hardware fault, but try upgrading first and let us know if that fixes the problem.

        Okay, the device was de-registered today, I registered it to my account, and I updated the firmware to 5.4.0[0].  Unfortunately it’s still behaving exactly the same way — it always forgets which preset I left it off at, and it never saves any of the System Mode settings (Source, MIDI configs, etc.).  I reset everything to factory defaults again, and I again tried powering the device on and off via different methods (pulling out the lead, unplugging the wall wart) — neither made any difference.  I’m seriously bummed that I might have ended up buying a lemon second-hand.


        Let me know if I should get in touch with some other contact and take this off the forum, if there’s nothing that a public conversation about this could do to help others.



      • #144368
        autopoiesis wrote:

        Let me know if I should get in touch with some other contact and take this off the forum, if there's nothing that a public conversation about this could do to help others.

        Yeah, could you send an email to support@eventide.com with a link to this forum thread?  If you'd like to send it in to us for repair, we can send you an RMA and let you know what that would involve.

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