How to I scroll backwards through the presets?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes How to I scroll backwards through the presets?

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    • #115972

      I use the right footswitch to scroll forward through each preset.  But there are like 50 and I only have 3 songs on there as of today… So when i hit song #3 the only way for me to go back to song #1 is to scroll through all 50 until I reach #1… of course this is unaccceptable…  Please advise.

    • #155127
      Eventide Staff

      You can set the minimum and maximum preset numbers. Check UM for details.


    • #155128

      …and as a pro if I have 50 songs want song number 49 but accidentally hit preset 50 I have to start from #1????? This makes no sense. Setting preset range is fine if you have 1-10 songs max but if there’s 50?

      Surely, eventide must of thought of this???

    • #155130
      Eventide Staff

      We have thought of this. A long time ago.

      Please read the User Manual (UM).

      Especially the section labelled "Using the Right Footswitch to Cue Presets."




    • #155135

      Hi… I could not find a section in the manual labelled cueing presets…  can you tell me which page it’s on?  

      I also heard of some “BARN” swicth you can buy.. Buy it’s not discussed the manual.. I want the simplest way for now to just scroll forward and backwards.

      Thanks for your help.


    • #155136
      Eventide Staff

      Look at the Contents section of the manual.for "Using the Right Footswitch to Cue Presets". In my manual it's on page 9.

      "Barn3" switches are not made by Eventide, but we sell them in the "Eventide Store" :


    • #155138

      I looked +-10 pages from page 9 and couldn’t find it… I’m a little dissapointed… I just bought my timefactor from Long and Mcquade and its missing these instructions.

      My manual is version TG UG Contents Part # 141131 rev D

      Is this old?  Can you paste the instructions on here (decrementing and incrementing presets on the go) somehow?  It would really help… It’s not described in my manual… 

    • #155140
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – you didn't actually say what product you had, and my psychic abilities being limited, I mistakenly assumed you had an H9.

      But, it appears you have a TF, so I am completely wrong. Let's start again.

      TF is bank-based, where each bank is a group of two presets, so you can't easily decrement presets. Your best bet will be to use an external AUX switch (such as the BARN3, but many other switches are suitable).

      Look at "[AUX SW] – Program Auxiliary Switches" on pages 47/8 to see the AUX switch options. Among them are BANK+ and BANK-, which allow you to increment or decrement the current bank.

      This is probably as close as you will get to what you want. 


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