Pitchfactor Harmony Help

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    • #111543

      My main reason for buying the pitchfactor is for 2 part harmony on guitar. Any presets or help would be appreciated. I know I have a lot to learn but this would really help me get started. Thanks

    • #125754

      here's a quick preset from left to right in Play Mode (hold right footswitch 'til you see "E:MAJ":

      1. turn the encoder to Diatonic

      MIx to 50

      Pitch Mix all the way to the left

      Set pitch A  to 3rd's (About 2 o'clock on the dial)

      Set Delay A to zero  to five Miliseconds

      Press the middle button and play the root note and set the Scale knob to the scale the song is in,

      Set Xnob and/or Ynob to Zero

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