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February 14, 2008 at 7:58 pm #105354
ModeratorHi guys. Thanks to everyone who has jumped into the Beta 2 release of TimeFactor. We've already addressed several issues that users have reported, but if you are finding that something is not quite right it would be great if you could post it in this thread.
February 14, 2008 at 9:56 pm #116963
ParticipantI already sent you guys an email, but here it is just in case.
Tap Tempo
(problem) My tap tempo is used in ms/non-tempo mode most of the time, save for when I need dotted eights, so I don?t know if my comments are relevant to the tempo mode. The ms display is rarely accurate, maybe 1 in 4 times I tap does something close to the proper ms display. For instance, I might tap about 150ms and get an odd reading of 768ms or vice versa, which is obviously off. This has been happening since before the beta was introduced to my unit. It displays the wrong delay time from tapping the actual TF switch or with my external Digitech FS-300.
(problem) I do also notice that my tapping is not always inputting correctly either. Sometimes a short tap results in a long delay or vice versa. It happens quite frequently, with both the TF itself in play mode or with an external FS-300 footswitch, especially after repeated taps.Looper
(suggestion) the mix control has been improved, but it still needs to be able to have a 100% dry plus 100% wet/loop ratio on the knob. When I set the Mix control to 50, the dry signal is still a little quieter than normal, meaning the volume is cut slightly from normal operation. It is not as bad as it was, but could be improved further. I tested it by recording a silent loop, striking a chord, then turning the loop on and off and hearing the chord change volume. If it is possible, please make the dry volume 100% from 0-50, then tapering only from 51-100. Likewise the loop volume would be the inverse of 100% from 100-51, then tapering down from 50-0. I know this might seem like a rather minor change, but it would make the looper so much more usable in live situations. A second option would be to make the Mix control only the loop volume, leaving the dry always at 100% volume.Infinite Repeat
(suggestion) Thanks for fixing the volume issue. I wonder if it could be made a little more seamless. When I use it (pinky swelling on my strat for a synth sound) it creates clicking seam every 350ms or so, giving that tempo no matter what is inputted. I really like this feature, but it would work better for me without the repeating seam at the end/beginning of its sample.Delay Spillover
(problem) I am referring to the spillover between presets and not the bypass spillover (which is great!). What I hear is that when I change patches, the spillover also changes to the new patch, which creates some unpleasant sounds when changing to certain patches (like your preset 4:1 with high feedback). If there is a way to do it like other processors where the old patch spillover remains the same and simply fades away, and any newly inputted notes come through the new patch. Such a design would increase its usefulness, as well as doing away with ackward changes in sound. Currently I cannot use this feature.
(related problem) I understand that with certain delay types that the tap tempo delay change will cause the unit to pitch shift (tape mode and vintage?), which to me is fine within the patch, but the problem I am having is when switching patches, it makes some really bad sounds depending on the settings (a long delay to a short delay patch and vice versa).The encoder switch double press in system menu–I believe you guys already know about. I'll post more if think of any more. I hope this helps you guys.
February 17, 2008 at 7:19 am #116970
ParticipantExpression pedal not updating after save and then change.
when I save my patch with expression pedal settings, everything is fine and I like it… it's saved and works the same next time I boot up the pedal… BUT sometimes I want to change the way the Expression pedal behaves and the changes don't "take".
for instance, if I have the expression pedal doing a mix move and in a performance I find the mix too light… i adjust it by moving the pedal to heel, turning the knob to where I want, mixing the pedal to toe, turning the knob how I want, then when I go back to heel my new setting is gone… so the expression pedal settings are not updating. I don't know if it's only in one of the models, but I know it happens in the mod delay model.
February 21, 2008 at 3:49 pm #128012
MemberI have also had the issue with spillover between patches being buggy as well as the expression pedal values not being saved once the TF is turned off. Just wanted to add this so it's known that this is not just happening to one person. Thanks for posting the details above guys. How long before the next update is ready for download and how long before we can share patches online?
February 21, 2008 at 5:06 pm #128016
Andy S
Member1) The tap tempo does not work correctly.. Intermitantly the timefactor does not react correctly to the tempo tapped in. Also the BPM designation never matches the actual time now. Even when the tempo is correct on occasion the bpm does not match the tempo.
2) The aux switch assignments do not stay memorized. Everytime I power up I need to go in and assign the three switches on my Digitech FX3 again ( it worked perfectly before )
February 22, 2008 at 1:16 am #128023
MemberI posted this in another thread about the looper, but i wanted to get it in here. If anyone knows of fixes or if this has already been discussed, please let me know! Thanks.
So, here are a few issues: for one thing, i just need to practice looping patterns and hitting the repeat switch at exactly the right time. However, THERE IS STILL A VOLUME GLITCH! a hiccup when the loop restarts. To test this, i put my ebow on the string so that it's playing a constant note. I start recording then stop (i've tried various time spans) and each time the loop restarts, there's a hiccup… so, while pattern playing won't be too affected, playing ambient loops will be. A crossfade could fix this.
Finally, i think there's a much more serious problem. If i record a pattern that's at a tempo where the end of the loop is right after billboard changes over from one bit to the next, the first reiteration of the loop plays all the way through, but every subsequent loop does not. They're all truncated!!
For example, if i play a loop and hit repeat right after the billboard switched from "4 bits" to "5 bits," then after the first repeat of the loop every other loop ends at "4 bits." The "5 bits" never pops up, and you can hear the loop cut off!!
Someone else must have discovered this. Am i not on the newest software version or something?
February 22, 2008 at 7:57 am #128026
Participanti'm also having tap tempo problems on all patches. Before dloading the beta software, never had any problems using my Digitech FS300 for tap temp in bank modes. it definately doesn't work in bank modes, and SOMETIMES works in play mode AFTER i move the expression pedal up and down. I'm going to go back to the older software until this gets fixed; 'cause i gotta have the tap tempo in both modes.
February 22, 2008 at 2:48 pm #128034
MemberHmm, just so Eventide knows, I think the tap tempo issues and assignment issues here might just be occuring when using multiple aux switches… i built a single aux switch to use for tap tempo, and it works perfectly fine (to my knowledge) in bank and play modes. I've never tried assigning it to anything else, but every patch always remembers that it's assigned to tap tempo.
If there is a difference between 3 switch and 1 switch aux switches, it would signal a hardware problem though, right? and that wouldn't change from version to version… hmmm
February 27, 2008 at 4:45 pm #128077
ParticipantExpression pedal problem
When programming the expression pedal to ride the mix knob I can't get it to remember to be 100% wet.
for instance, I want to use the reverse delay and have heel down be totally dry and toe down be totally wet, just the delay. I move the expression pedal to these positions and save but every time I go back to toe down, there's a little dry signal in there. Let me know if it's reproducable over there…. maybe it's my expression pedal.
February 28, 2008 at 3:04 pm #128089
Expression pedal not updating after save and then change.
when I save my patch with expression pedal settings, everything is fine and I like it… it's saved and works the same next time I boot up the pedal… BUT sometimes I want to change the way the Expression pedal behaves and the changes don't "take".
for instance, if I have the expression pedal doing a mix move and in a performance I find the mix too light… i adjust it by moving the pedal to heel, turning the knob to where I want, mixing the pedal to toe, turning the knob how I want, then when I go back to heel my new setting is gone… so the expression pedal settings are not updating. I don't know if it's only in one of the models, but I know it happens in the mod delay model.
YES! I'm having the same issue. I still haven't made patches with all the delay types… i know the expression pedal is updating on the tape delay; but last night, when i had my wonderful flanger set up with the mod delay, after saving the patch and going back to it, the EP was not updated! Instead of controlling the mod speed, it controlled the mix and feedback as it had on the patch i created this from!
I wish there were a quick way to instantly remove all expression assignments and for it to stick!
February 29, 2008 at 5:21 pm #117054
MemberI haven't started using the Timefactpr extensively yet, and I don't know whether this issue is a v2 thing or if it was always there. Anyway, I found this little bug, or whatever you'd call it, today:
The "repeat" feature drifts over time. A rhytmic pattern will change slowly making the repeat function unusable for longer periods. I didn't pay attention to the timeframe, but I'm guessing it became uncomfortable after a minute or two, and there are certainly times I'd like to have a repeat play for longer than that
February 29, 2008 at 9:13 pm #128103
ModeratorHi guys, We are looking into these issues.Thanks for the help, and keep the bug reports coming!
March 26, 2008 at 1:15 pm #128330
MemberSorry to resurrect an old thread, but I figured it would be sensible to stick my bugs in here. 2 problems:
– In system mode, going into Aux SW requires 2 clicks instead of 1 (I think this was mentioned earlier)
– The serial number doesn't scroll, so on mine it says 00xy and misses the last number
March 26, 2008 at 4:31 pm #128332
MemberI'll just join in on the looper level issue. The level drop is quite extreme and really makes the looper unusable as is.
Also, I'm not sure if this is a soft- or hardware issue, but the Reapeat switch is very unstable. Very often it will interpret one step as two, and thus do nothing.
April 11, 2008 at 6:01 am #117349
Memberwhen using the "BYPASS + DSP" setting..
if you have a stereo preset with long delay trails, when bypassed the trails will continue to ring on as they should — BUT the two outputs are apparently summed when the unit is bypassed. so a stereo delay trail will sound "mono" once you bypass the preset. not sure why the two outputs don't remain independant in bypass mode.
in reverse mode.. the delayed signal is noticeably louder than the bypassed signal when mix is set to 100%.
the looper "hiccup", and the fact that there still doesn't seem to be a way to set both the input and looped signals to full/unity volume. when set to 50/50 there is a noticeable volume drop when the looper is engaged.
April 24, 2008 at 7:34 pm #117428
ParticipantThis isn't as much a bug as it is a feature request:
The auto-sensing stereo feature is really very cool, however it would be very helpful if there was a way to force the TF to operate in mono even when there are two cables plugged into its outputs.
My pedalboard is wired up in stereo and the TF is last feeding two 1/4" outputs on a recessed panel. This allows me to leave all my pedals fastened down and simply plug cables from the panel into my amp or amps as needed. When I only plug in to one amp (which is most of the time) I cannot get a proper dual delay from the TF. If I unplug the second plug I can but this is very difficult with the way I have my pedal board setup.
Here is a pic:
I would suggest that in the same area the Catchup and Spillover settings live there could be an additional setting for Outputs with parameters of Auto, Stereo, and Mono.
The default could be auto and the TF would behave just like it always has but guys like me could go in and adjust without ripping my pedalboard apart.
– Elliot
May 31, 2008 at 11:54 pm #117525
MemberIm not getting a seamless bypass when the pedal is set to dsp/spillover. There is a very noticeable drop in sound when you hit the bypass. The delays still trail off but the dry signal is cut very briefly.
edit *Its noticeable when turning the effect on. You should be able to easily hear it by turning the repeat knob to off, struming a chord, and turning the pedal on while the chord is ringing out.
Also on the tape setting goes into oscillation at around 64% feedback if the delay time is short. Depending on the wow and flutter in can start to rumble and wave very loudly.
June 3, 2008 at 11:15 pm #128700
MemberOn ducking mode if you have the repeats set high and you turn the filer knob down it creates a very loud squeal. It seems to do it mostly when the two delay times are set from 6:30 to noon. Even without having the feedback up to 100% the pedal starts to oscillate when it isnt getting any signal.
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