Tape Echo preset, Be Wowed

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    • #114520

      I would like to simplify my previous question, I am interested in purchasing the Be Wowed algorithm but when I go to the Space Time / Tape Echo setting, the only preset  that appears is the Lennon Slap. From there, I cant figure out how to bring up Be Wowed preset. Thanks for your help

    • #148005

      'Be Wowed' is a preset of the Tape Echo algorithm. If you go to the Tape Echo algorthm in H9 Control, you should see 11 factory presets for that algorithm including 'Be Wowed'. 

      I'm not sure from your description where you are expecting this preset to appear and whether you're looking for it on your H9 or in the app and if in the app, whether you're using the phone version or the bigger version.  If you could explain where you're looking for it, we should be able to clarify why you're not finding it there.

    • #148006

      UPDATE: I did find it when I purchased the Lennon Slap preset. The reason I was confused earlier was, when I intially auditioned the presets in the Tape Slap algorithm, “Be Wowed” appeared. But then a few days later when I wanted to demo it again, it was not available  (until I purchased the Lennon Slap). I am beginnig to understand the hierarchy of the algorithms and I am using a Mac computor to view the H9 app.

      thanks for your time and help

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