H90 app for android?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 app for android?

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    • #169035

      Are there any plans to make the control app for Android in addition to iOS?

      I hope you will consider all the Android users out there, and the fact that there are 9 Android users for every iOS user.

    • #169047

      I know the difficulties with Search on this forum, but I have read that the apps for both platforms are ‘in the works’.  No specific timeline.

    • #169097

      That may be as far as users go but – once you get into demographics- you will find that ratio nearly reversed for musicians…

    • #170762

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Still missing the control app for Android! Pls.</p>

    • #170789

      Still missing the control app for Android! Pls

    • #170885

      no control app for iOS either so hang tight…


    • #172259

      Dear Eventide Team,

      Could you please give us the current status of H90 apps for Android/iOS ?

      Thanks in advance!

    • #172931

      Alguma novidade ?  Estou muito ansioso para usar o apk no meu H90.

    • #176801

      Please, app for android!!

    • #177525

      Just ordered a H90 and now I see here that there is still no Android app out for bluetooth support ? It been two years now that the H90 is out,.any ETA or update on this? Does android support is still planed ?

      • #177530
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry, no plans for Android/Bluetooth support at this time.

    • #177534

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Why does in the FAQ it says :</p>

      H90 Control iOS/Android app?

      Mobile support will be added at a later date”

    • #177536

      Tanks for the reply, I hate iOS ecosystem so much but I guess I will have to buy an Ipad eventually 😥

    • #177692

      Not that you need another person to tell you how important it is for your customers to have android connection but I would really love it. I have one H90 and two H9’s and many plugins. It would be very helpful to get the H90 on android too.

    • #177693

      Not that you need another person to tell you how important it is for your customers to have android connection but I would really love it. I have one H90 and two H9’s and many plugins. It would be very helpful to get the H90 on android too.

      They could make it but they won’t for some reason, I own a Spark amp mini from Positive grid and they got a Android app, so if they can do it so can Eventide 🤷‍♂️

      • #177694

        É claro que eles podem, não sabemos o motivo do pq não fazem. Eu sou usuário da Eventide a anos … Comprei meu h9 em 2014 … Se não me falha aa memória eles lançaram o apk para Android foi em 2018 … O grande lance do apk é que vc faz aqueles ajustes finos no ao vivo…a eventide é uma empresa grande e renomada… é só olhar com carinho para quem é usuário Android. Não é luxo e sim uma necessidade, tudo pelo apk é melhor, isso facilita demais!

    • #177767

      With the h9 there was a heck of a lag from the iOS support to android support.


      i ended up needing an iPad for my mixer anyways as they don’t support android and I much prefer the iPad now…

    • #180300

      É claro que eles podem, não sabemos o motivo do pq não fazem. Eu sou usuário da Eventide a anos … Comprei meu h9 em 2014 … Se não me falha aa memória eles lançaram o apk para Android foi em 2018 … O grande lance do apk é que vc faz aqueles ajustes finos no ao vivo…a eventide é uma empresa grande e renomada… é só olhar com carinho para quem é usuário Android. Não é luxo e sim uma necessidade, tudo pelo apk é melhor, isso facilita demais!

      Compreendo completamente sua frustração e concordo que a Eventide deveria dar mais atenção aos usuários do Android. A capacidade de fazer ajustes finos ao vivo através do aplicativo é crucial para muitos músicos. Esperamos que a empresa ouça suas necessidades e ofereça suporte adequado em breve.

    • #181047

      While there isn’t an official H90 app for Android yet, keep an eye out for future developments. In the meantime, explore third-party options or consider reaching out to the manufacturer to express interest in an Android app for the H90.

    • #181048

      Sorry if this was misleading. The FAQ will be updated soon. I should also mention that you may be able to connect to some Android devices using Bluetooth to send MIDI data using a 3rd party app, but this is not officially supported. The instructions should be similar to these instructions: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.1/content/system-menu/bluetooth.html#ios-connection No plans for H90 Control for Android devices at this time.

      Rather than misleading this counts as false advertisement. The only reason why I bought this unit instead of an fm3 is because all of your communication on the subject implied there would be an androis app eventually.

      After more than a year waiting now you finally drop the ball with a simple evasive. Companies should not be allowed to get away with thing like this.

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