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I posted several supermodules on the old EventideHelps web site. For example, I posted a supermodule I called DETUNER with two delays modulated in opposite directions, then I posted a supermodule I called NEBULA that contained 6 slightly stripped-down DETUNER supermodules in parallel to make a cloud of 12 pitches +/-50 cents wide, but very tight in time. The program sounded cool, and it also worked as a tutorial to show a useful programming approach is to make inner supermodules (to handle a repeated form) packaged inside an outer supermodule (to serve as a wrapper you can copy and paste into a program as you suggest). VSIG handles this reliably, and in retrospect, the reliability makes sense. I visualize a supermodule is ?really? just hiding things from being shown on the PC display. All the lines of code for the real factory modules are still inside the sigfile, so when VSIG compiles the code into the Eventide, it can simply run down the sequence of the real lines of code in the file and ignore the lines of code that create the ?illusion? of a supermodule. When Eventide created the DSP4000, they got an impressive array of concepts right!

I imagine this web site is still under development, and Eventide has real products to take care of at the same time! I?m just saying if there could be a way to post files here, then I would be happy to post my supermodules again here as sigfiles along with documentation in PDF files.