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It's great Eventide has addressed the numerous bugs in the beta 2.4.1 software, but this experience has taught me that QA is pretty low in Eventide beta software releases.

Case in point – FactorLib is somehow tested extensively (I presume) on OSX 10.5 and only works with 10.5 and up.  Yet, you must still use 10.4.11 or lower to update the Timefactor software even in beta 2.4.1[5].  This is inconsistent, plainly bizarre, and poor QA, IMHO.  

2.4.1[5] still isn't ready for public distribution as a beta release.  Suggestion – release future beta software on a limited basis ('focus group' w/ a documented test process)  and get the obvious problems out of the way before public release – (i.e. saving preset settings like modulation and updating Timefactor with current versions of OSX).