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HEADM adc 2 2 adc-null adc-null PeakdecectMidi Empty 3 emenu1-obj emenu2-obj info-obj ;=0,-25,100,0
KNOB fdec "fdecay : %7.3f sec" "" 0.001 100 0.001 0.1253 ;=400,275,100,0
KNOB fatt "fattack: %7.3f sec" "" 0.001 100 0.001 0.1123 ;=400,375,100,0
KNOB Treshhold "gatetres: %1.2f of 1" "" 0 1 0.01 0.2 ;=750,450,100,0
KNOB number_k "Midi CC: %1.0f #" "" 0 121 1 16 ;=1025,275,100,0
KNOB LCut "Detect LC:  %5.0f Hz" "" 0 20000 1 200 ;=400,175,100,0
KNOB Gatesustain "gatesust: %1.3f sec" "" 0 30 0.001 0.2 ;=750,575,100,0
SKNOB3 fatt1 "fattack: %7.3f sec" "" 0 0.001 0.1123 fatt1-out 0 100 fatt-out ;=550,250,100,0
SKNOB3 fdec1 "fdecay : %7.3f sec" "" 0 0.15 0.1253 fdec1-out 0 100 fdec-out ;=550,400,100,0
PEAK env1 highcut-out fatt1-out fdec1-out ;=875,25,100,0
GAIN gain1 switch1-out sens-out ;=625,25,100,0
KNOB sens "sens: %4.0f dB" sens -48 48 1 -10 ;=400,75,100,0
ADD add adc-in1 adc-in2 ;=100,25,100,0
SWITCH switch1 3 env-out adc-in1 adc-in2 add-out ;=250,25,100,0
TEXTKNOB env "env :  %s" "" 3 2 in1 in2 "sum 1+2" ;=100,225,100,0
MENUPAGE emenu1 "envelope params" env 8 env-obj sens-obj fatt-obj fdec-obj peakfollow-obj gatedetect-obj Treshhold-obj Gatesustain-obj ;=1525,325,100,0
MENUPAGE emenu2 "envelope params" env 4 LCut-obj number_k-obj "CC Mode-obj" Gatemode-obj ;=1525,550,100,0
MONITOR peakfollow c_quantize-out peakfollow:%1.3f monitor ;=1375,25,100,0
MONITOR gatedetect Gate-out gateactive:%1.0f monitor ;=1300,450,100,0
A_TO_C Controller env1-out ;=1025,25,100,0
A_TO_C Gate oneshot-out ;=1175,450,100,0
ONESHOT oneshot env1-out c_multiply-out Treshhold-out ;=1025,450,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply Gatesustain-out 1000 ;=875,575,100,0
HIGHCUT highcut gain1-out LCut-out ;=750,25,100,0
MIDINOUT midinout 1 0 c_switch1-out 0 100 0 ;=1525,700,100,0
TEXTBLOCK info 7 "Peakfollower and Gatedetector" "Triggers Midi Notes for Extrenal Use" "Use Guide Drumloop Through and control" "Ext Synth Filter Env Via Midi" "Midi Control Out Module Not working yet:" "Causing Program Changes" "Sum In, Left In, Right In, No Out." ;=1725,650,100,0
MIDICOUT midicout 0 0 number_k-out c_quantize-out ;=1525,25,100,0
C_SWITCH c_switch 2 "CC Mode-out" Controller-out 0 ;=1375,175,100,0
TEXTKNOB Gatemode GateMode:%s textknob 2 1 On Off ;=1050,725,100,0
C_SWITCH c_switch1 2 Gatemode-out Gate-out 0 ;=1300,825,100,0
TEXTKNOB "CC Mode" "CC Mode:%s" textknob 2 1 On Off ;=1200,175,100,0
C_QUANTIZE c_quantize c_switch-out 0.0078125 0 ;=1525,175,100,0

Try this – It should output a midi note for triggering a synth´s envelopes (im using that to run some signals through it, analog filters are just different..) the other part is a controller output, but that one makes the program "crash", well it gets unloaded in my unit and another program being loaded…

just try it, I hope the code is full, i just copied and pasted it all.

Notice the delay in the notes that are output from the midi ports…why does that have to be…