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thanks for the follow up, with that info I'll work around it while you guys update H9 control.

Tell me though, how are the different versions of H9 control (iOS and desktop) supposed to interact with the pedal – are they integrated? So if for instance I had never mapped any midi program change in either version of H9 control but do so on the pedal, should I then see that change reflected in the iOS H9 control upon connecting via bluetooth? And the same when I hook up to desktop via mini usb?

It seems it should be that way but isn't? Yesterday I did my mappings on the iPad and saw the changes reflected on the pedal, no problem (and they weren't off by 1 either). Then later in the day I fired up desktop control for the first time just to check it out and there were no midi mapping at all outside of the factor set ones. And then when I put mine back I noticed this off by 1 thing.

If you wouldn't mind taking a second to explain how it's all supposed to integrate, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you. LOVE this pedal!