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I tried combining your "Floyd" algorithm at the end of VirtRacks#3, but it doesn't compile. I get an error on the Vsigfile window that says:

Loader: invalid short immediate: 0x166 at 0x1
loadpass: error for codegen 1E (freqshift)
Some error occured while trying
to load compiled program.
Program not loaded.

Meanwhile, the H7600 says: "ERROR This system does not contain a module needed for this program"

Here is the code below. It's sort of dirty, because I did not clean up ther menus (not that good with them yet), I simply added your dual freqShift at +/- 1.4Hz at the end with hard coded feedback and mix levels into the two mixers.

HEADM adc 2 2 freqshift-out freqshift1-out "Midi VirtRack #3" "" 7 m_menu-obj tremenu-obj chorusmenu-obj dlymenu-obj phasermenu-obj verbmenu-obj info-obj ;=725,-25,100,0
MIXER intrim 2 adc-in1 adc-in2 kintrim-out kintrim-out ;=825,25,100,0
TEXTBLOCK info 11 "Fm tremolo > chorus > dual delay >" "phaser > reverb. Series routing." "Set wet/dry to 100%% wet. This preset" "can store 10 tweaks. All params marked" "with a * are remembered by each tweak," "which can be remotely recalled with a" "midi cc message and the tweak# knob." "Set your pedalboard 10 switches to" "sendthe same midi cc#, with values 1 to" "10 to recall tweaks 1>10." "Summed in, stereo out. " ;=825,650,100,0
MENUPAGE m_menu "master params" main 18 ktremsw1-obj chrssw-obj kdlysw-obj kphsw-obj tremswmon1-obj chrswmon-obj dlyswmon-obj phswmon-obj "vrb shft-obj" dummy-obj kintrim-obj kogn-obj vrbswmon-obj dummy-obj dummy-obj tweak-obj adc-nullobj "ext tweak-obj" ;=975,650,100,0
TEXTLINE dummy "" ;=1125,650,100,0
MULTIKNOB kintrim "in trim : %3.0f dB*" 1 -20 0 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 ;=700,50,100,0
EXTCONTROL "ext tweak" "ext tweak" -1536 0 0 0 ;=100,50,100,0
C_MULTIPLY cc_multiply "ext tweak-out" 128 ;=250,50,100,0
SKNOB3 tweak " <<<>>>" sknob 0 1 1 tweak-out 1 10 cc_multiply-out ;=400,50,100,0
C_TABLE M_tweaks 11 tweak-out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ;=550,50,100,0
MENUPAGE tremenu "fm trem params" "fm trem" 6 ktrlev-obj kmix-obj kdepth-obj ksns-obj tweak-obj ratemenu-obj ;=1275,650,100,0
MENUPAGE ratemenu "rate params" rate 8 kt_rate-obj kt_fmrate-obj rate1-obj kpol-obj ktratemon-obj kt_fmtratemon-obj rate2-obj polmon-obj ;=825,625,100,0
MULTIKNOB ktremsw1 "trem switch: %1.0f *" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ;=825,150,100,0
TMONITOR tremswmon1 ktremsw1-out " %s" tmonitor 2 off on ;=975,150,100,0
ISWITCH tremswl1 2 ktremsw1-out adc-null intrim-out ;=1000,175,100,0
MULTIKNOB ksns "sens : %3.0f dB*" 1 -48 48 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 5 7 16 4 0 8 7 14 35 10 ;=975,175,100,0
GAIN gain tremswl1-out ksns-out ;=1250,275,100,0
PEAK detect gain-out 0.1 0.1 ;=1275,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kt_rate "t_rate set: %2.0f>>*" 1 1 31 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 21 20 21 26 18 21 13 13 22 13 ;=700,75,100,0
MULTIKNOB kt_fmrate "t_fmrt set: %2.0f>>*" 1 1 31 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 24 24 24 4 24 19 27 27 4 31 ;=700,100,100,0
TMONITOR ktratemon kt_rate-out "sweeps a: %s" tmonitor 32 dummy " 4 bars" " 3 bars" " 2 bars" "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" " dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" " 9/16 note" " 1/2 note" " 7/16 note" " dot 1/4" " 1/2 trip" " 5/16 note" " 1/4 note" " dot 1/8" " 1/4 trip" " 1/8 note" " dot 1/16" " 1/8 trip" " 1/16 note" " dot 1/32" " 1/16 trip" " 1/32 note" " dot 1/64" " 1/32 trip" " 1/64 note" " off" ;=825,175,100,0
TMONITOR kt_fmtratemon kt_fmrate-out "sweeps a: %s" tmonitor 32 dummy " 4 bars" " 3 bars" " 2 bars" "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" " dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" " 9/16 note" " 1/2 note" " 7/16 note" " dot 1/4" " 1/2 trip" " 5/16 note" " 1/4 note" " dot 1/8" " 1/4 trip" " 1/8 note" " dot 1/16" " 1/8 trip" " 1/16 note" " dot 1/32" " 1/16 trip" " 1/32 note" " dot 1/64" " 1/32 trip" " 1/64 note" " off" ;=825,200,100,0
C_TABLE table_1 32 kt_rate-out 0 0.0625 0.0833 0.125 0.25 0.2667 0.2875 0.3077 0.3333 0.3636 0.375 0.4 0.4444 0.5 0.5714 0.6667 0.75 0.8 1 1.3333 1.5 2 2.6667 3.0003 4 5.3333 6.0026 8 10.6736 12.0051 16 0 ;=825,225,100,0
C_TABLE table_2 32 kt_fmrate-out 0 0.0625 0.0833 0.125 0.25 0.2667 0.2875 0.3077 0.3333 0.3636 0.375 0.4 0.4444 0.5 0.5714 0.6667 0.75 0.8 1 1.3333 1.5 2 2.6667 3.0003 4 5.3333 6.0026 8 10.6736 12.0051 16 0 ;=825,250,100,0
MIDICLOCK midiclock 0.5 2 0 0 1 3 ;=825,600,100,0
C_MULTIPLY math1 table_1-out midiclock-freq_out ;=975,225,100,0
C_MULTIPLY math2 table_2-out midiclock-freq_out ;=975,250,100,0
SKNOB3 rate1 "rate : %5.2f Hz" "" 0 0.01 4 rate1-out 0 99 math1-out ;=1275,150,100,0
SKNOB3 rate2 "fmrate : %5.2f Hz" "" 0 0.01 8 rate2-out 0 99 math2-out ;=1275,175,100,0
LFO trlfo detect-out rate1-out rate2-out 2 0.5 0 ;=1425,25,100,0
MOD_SLEW slew1 trlfo-out 0.01 0.01 ;=1575,25,100,0
SCALE mirror1 slew1-out -1 ;=1725,25,100,0
CONSTANT constant 1 ;=1725,150,100,0
ADD mirror_fix1 mirror1-out constant-out ;=1875,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kpol "lfo mode : %1.0f>>*" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ;=1875,150,100,0
TMONITOR polmon kpol-out " %s" tmonitor 2 sync oppose ;=2025,150,100,0
SWITCH polsw 2 kpol-out slew1-out mirror_fix1-out ;=2025,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kdepth "depth: %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 100 92 100 94 95 96 97 100 100 100 ;=700,125,100,0
C_MULTIPLY math4 kdepth-out 0.01 ;=2025,175,100,0
MULTIKNOB kmix "mix : %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 50 82 100 84 85 80 87 100 100 90 ;=700,150,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply1 kmix-out 0.01 ;=825,275,100,0
C_SUBTRACT sub1 1 c_multiply1-out ;=2025,200,100,0
AMPMOD trem1 tremswl1-out slew1-out math4-out sub1-out ;=2175,25,100,0
AMPMOD trem2 tremswl1-out polsw-out math4-out sub1-out ;=2325,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB ktrlev "level: %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 100 64 100 60 40 80 50 100 100 15 ;=700,175,100,0
C_MULTIPLY trlevmult ktrlev-out 0.01 ;=2325,150,100,0
SCALE trlevl trem1-out trlevmult-out ;=2475,25,100,0
SCALE trlevr trem2-out trlevmult-out ;=2625,25,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch3 2 ktremsw1-out intrim-out trlevl-out ;=2775,25,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch4 2 ktremsw1-out intrim-out trlevr-out ;=2925,25,100,0
MENUPAGE chorusmenu "chorus params" chorus 8 kchrlev-obj kchdly-obj kchrate-obj t_rate-obj tweak-obj kchdepth-obj kchfdbk-obj tratemon-obj ;=1425,650,100,0
MULTIKNOB chrssw "chorus switch: %1.0f *" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ;=2925,150,100,0
TMONITOR chrswmon chrssw-out " %s" tmonitor 2 off on ;=3075,150,100,0
ISWITCH chswl 2 chrssw-out adc-null iswitch3-out ;=3075,25,100,0
ISWITCH chswr 2 chrssw-out adc-null iswitch4-out ;=3225,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB t_rate "t_rt set: %2.0f >>>*" 1 1 32 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 5 4 4 1 ;=700,200,100,0
TMONITOR tratemon t_rate-out "sweeps a: %s" tmonitor 33 dummy "4 bars" "3 bars" "2 bars" "dot whole" "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" "dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" "9/16 note" "1/2 note" "7/16 note" "dot 1/4" "1/2 trip" "5/16 note" "1/4 note" "dot 1/8" "1/4 trip" "1/8 note" "dot 1/16" "1/8 trip" "1/16 note" "dot 1/32" "1/16 trip" "1/32 note" "dot 1/64" "1/32 trip" "1/64 note" " off" ;=825,300,100,0
C_TABLE chratetable 33 t_rate-out 0 0.062 0.083 0.125 0.166 0.25 0.2667 0.2875 0.3077 0.3333 0.3636 0.375 0.4 0.4444 0.5 0.5714 0.6667 0.75 0.8 1 1.3333 1.5 2 2.6667 3.0003 4 5.3333 6.0026 8 10.6736 12.0051 16 0 ;=825,325,100,0
C_MULTIPLY chmath chratetable-out midiclock-freq_out ;=975,325,100,0
SKNOB3 kchrate "rate : %5.2f Hz" "" 0 0.01 0.332 kchrate-out 0 99 chmath-out ;=3375,150,100,0
LFO lfo adc-null kchrate-out 0 1 0.5 0.5 ;=3525,150,100,0
MIX chfdbk lfo-out adc-null -1 0 ;=3675,150,100,0
MULTIKNOB kchdly "delay : %4.1f ms *" 1 0 50 0.1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 8 15.9993 45 4 1.8 1.8 45 2.6 1.8 25 ;=3525,275,100,0
MULTIKNOB kchdepth "depth : %4.1f ms *" 1 0 50 0.1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 2.8 4.0003 1 6 1.9998 3.0999 1 1.6 2.9997 0.5 ;=3525,300,100,0
MULTIKNOB kchfdbk "fback : %4.0f %% *" 1 -100 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 -10 0 40 -84 -15 -33 0 25 -21 0 ;=700,225,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply6 kchfdbk-out 0.01 ;=3225,150,100,0
MIX chfbkl chswl-out chorusl-out 1 c_multiply6-out ;=3375,25,100,0
MIX chfbkr chswr-out chorusr-out 1 c_multiply6-out ;=3525,25,100,0
MODDELAY chorusl 50 chfbkl-out lfo-out kchdly-out kchdepth-out 5 ;=3675,25,100,0
MODDELAY chorusr 50 chfbkr-out chfdbk-out kchdly-out kchdepth-out 5 ;=3825,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kchrlev "level : %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 75 100 50 90 100 100 100 50 50 72 ;=700,250,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply4 kchrlev-out 0.01 ;=3825,150,100,0
SCALE chlvll chorusl-out c_multiply4-out ;=3975,25,100,0
SCALE chlvlr chorusr-out c_multiply4-out ;=4125,25,100,0
ADD chadl iswitch3-out chlvll-out ;=4275,25,100,0
ADD chadr iswitch4-out chlvlr-out ;=4425,25,100,0
MENUPAGE dlymenu "delay params" delay 13 kdlylevl-obj kdlylevr-obj t_dlyl-obj t_dlyr-obj kstdlyl-obj kstdlyr-obj tdlymonl-obj tdlymonr-obj kfdbkl-obj kfdbkr-obj khicut-obj tweak-obj adc-nullobj ;=1575,650,100,0
MULTIKNOB kdlysw "delay switch: %1.0f *" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;=4425,150,100,0
TMONITOR dlyswmon kdlysw-out " %s" tmonitor 2 off on ;=4575,150,100,0
ISWITCH dlswl 2 kdlysw-out adc-null chadl-out ;=4575,25,100,0
ISWITCH dlswr 2 kdlysw-out adc-null chadr-out ;=4725,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kfdbkl "l fback: %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 44 47 40 20 56 40 25 35 25 25 ;=700,275,100,0
MULTIKNOB kfdbkr "r fback: %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 36 20 40 20 25 40 25 35 25 25 ;=700,300,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply2 kfdbkl-out 0.01 ;=4725,150,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply3 kfdbkr-out 0.01 ;=4875,150,100,0
MIX dlfbl dlswl-out highcut1-out 1 c_multiply2-out ;=4875,25,100,0
MIX dlfbr dlswr-out highcut2-out 1 c_multiply3-out ;=5025,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB t_dlyl "t_dly l set: %2.0f>>>*" 1 1 29 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 15 17 27 12 18 13 28 27 18 15 ;=700,325,100,0
MULTIKNOB t_dlyr "t_dly r set: %2.0f>>>*" 1 1 29 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 12 15 26 10 15 17 27 28 15 12 ;=700,350,100,0
TMONITOR tdlymonl t_dlyl-out "plays a: %s" tmonitor 30 dummy "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" "dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" "9/16 note" "1/2 note" "7/16 note" "dot 1/4" "1/2 trip" "5/16 note" "1/4 note" "dot 1/8" "1/4 trip" "1/8 note" "dot 1/16" "1/8 trip" "1/16 note" "dot 1/32" "1/16 trip" "1/32 note" "dot 1/64" "1/32 trip" "1/64 note" "short dly" off ;=825,350,100,0
TMONITOR tdlymonr t_dlyr-out "plays a: %s" tmonitor 30 dummy "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" "dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" "9/16 note" "1/2 note" "7/16 note" "dot 1/4" "1/2 trip" "5/16 note" "1/4 note" "dot 1/8" "1/4 trip" "1/8 note" "dot 1/16" "1/8 trip" "1/16 note" "dot 1/32" "1/16 trip" "1/32 note" "dot 1/64" "1/32 trip" "1/64 note" "short dly" off ;=825,375,100,0
C_TABLE tdlyltable 30 t_dlyl-out 0 4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 2666.6999 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1333.3 1250 1000 750 666.7 500 375 333.3 250 187.5 166.6 125 93.7 83.3 62.5 7.81 0 ;=825,400,100,0
C_TABLE tdlyrtable 30 t_dlyr-out 0 4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 2666.6999 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1333.3 1250 1000 750 666.7 500 375 333.3 250 187.5 166.6 125 93.7 83.3 62.5 7.81 0 ;=825,425,100,0
C_MULTIPLY tdlylmath tdlyltable-out midiclock-time_out ;=975,400,100,0
C_MULTIPLY tdlymath tdlyrtable-out midiclock-time_out ;=975,425,100,0
SKNOB3 kstdlyl "l delay: %4.0f ms" "" 0 1 500 kstdlyl-out 0 2000 tdlylmath-out ;=5025,150,100,0
SKNOB3 kstdlyr "r delay: %4.0f ms" "" 0 1 750 kstdlyr-out 0 2000 tdlymath-out ;=5175,150,100,0
MODDELAY dlyl 2001 dlfbl-out adc-null kstdlyl-out 0 0 ;=5175,25,100,0
MODDELAY dlyr 2001 dlfbr-out adc-null kstdlyr-out 0 0 ;=5325,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB khicut "hicut : %5.0f Hz*" 1 200 20000 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 200 6500 4000 7000 6000 5400 4800 8000 6800 8650 6000 ;=5325,150,100,0
HIGHCUT highcut1 dlyl-out khicut-out ;=5475,25,100,0
HIGHCUT highcut2 dlyr-out khicut-out ;=5625,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kdlylevl "l level : %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 35 30 80 35 30 30 50 41 40 30 ;=700,375,100,0
MULTIKNOB kdlylevr "r level : %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 35 30 80 35 30 30 50 41 40 30 ;=700,400,100,0
C_MULTIPLY ldlylvlmath kdlylevl-out 0.01 ;=5625,150,100,0
C_MULTIPLY rdlylvlmath kdlylevr-out 0.01 ;=5775,150,100,0
SCALE dlylvl highcut1-out ldlylvlmath-out ;=5775,25,100,0
SCALE dlylvr highcut2-out rdlylvlmath-out ;=5925,25,100,0
ADD dlyadl dlylvl-out chadl-out ;=6075,25,100,0
ADD dlyadr dlylvr-out chadr-out ;=6225,25,100,0
MENUPAGE phasermenu "phaser params" phaser 15 kphlvl-obj kmix1-obj t_rate1-obj krate-obj kdpt-obj kfbk-obj tratemon1-obj tweak-obj kshape-obj kmodsw-obj kpansw-obj dummy-obj shapemon-obj modswmon-obj panmon-obj ;=1725,650,100,0
MULTIKNOB kfbk "fback : %4.0f %% *" 1 -100 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 70 71 50 73 74 -50 -20 77 -50 45 40 ;=700,425,100,0
C_MULTIPLY c_multiply kfbk-out 0.01 ;=6225,150,100,0
MIX rfeed dlyadl-out lp2-out 1 c_multiply-out ;=6375,25,100,0
MIX rfeed1 dlyadr-out rp2-out 1 c_multiply-out ;=6525,25,100,0
COMB comb 10 rfeed1-out 0.9297 0 ;=6675,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kpansw "pan mode : %1.0f >>*" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 ;=6675,150,100,0
TMONITOR panmon kpansw-out " %s" tmonitor 2 normal wide ;=6825,275,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch 2 kpansw-out rfeed1-out comb-out ;=6825,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kdpt "depth : %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 50 50 50 53 54 50 50 57 50 45 50 ;=700,450,100,0
C_MULTIPLY kdptmult kdpt-out 0.01 ;=6825,300,100,0
PHASESHIFT lp1 12 rfeed-out modsw-out kdptmult-out ;=6975,25,100,0
PHASESHIFT lp2 12 lp1-out lfo1-out kdptmult-out ;=7125,25,100,0
PHASESHIFT rp1 12 iswitch-out mirror-out kdptmult-out ;=7275,25,100,0
PHASESHIFT rp2 12 rp1-out modsw-out kdptmult-out ;=7425,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kphlvl "level : %4.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 100 100 50 51 100 100 50 100 100 100 ;=700,475,100,0
C_MULTIPLY kphlvmult kphlvl-out 0.01 ;=7425,150,100,0
SCALE scale1 lp2-out kphlvmult-out ;=7575,25,100,0
SCALE scale2 rp2-out kphlvmult-out ;=7725,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB t_rate1 "t_rt set: %2.0f>>>*" 1 1 32 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 5 3 3 1 5 1 5 5 1 5 ;=700,500,100,0
TMONITOR tratemon1 t_rate1-out "sweeps a: %s" tmonitor 33 dummy "4 bars" "3 bars" "2 bars" "dot whole" "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" "dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" "9/16 note" "1/2 note" "7/16 note" "dot 1/4" "1/2 trip" "5/16 note" "1/4 note" "dot 1/8" "1/4 trip" "1/8 note" "dot 1/16" "1/8 trip" "1/16 note" "dot 1/32" "1/16 trip" "1/32 note" "dot 1/64" "1/32 trip" "1/64 note" " off" ;=825,500,100,0
C_TABLE tratetable 33 t_rate1-out 0 0.062 0.083 0.125 0.166 0.25 0.2667 0.2875 0.3077 0.3333 0.3636 0.375 0.4 0.4444 0.5 0.5714 0.6667 0.75 0.8 1 1.3333 1.5 2 2.6667 3.0003 4 5.3333 6.0026 8 10.6736 12.0051 16 0 ;=825,525,100,0
C_MULTIPLY tratemath tratetable-out midiclock-freq_out ;=975,525,100,0
SKNOB3 krate "rate : %5.2f Hz" "" 0 0.01 0.5 krate-out 0 99.99 tratemath-out ;=6825,325,100,0
MULTIKNOB kshape "mode : %1.0f >>*" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;=6825,350,100,0
TMONITOR shapemon kshape-out " %s" tmonitor 2 sine triangle ;=6975,350,100,0
LFO lfo1 adc-null krate-out 0 kshape-out 0.5 0 ;=6975,150,100,0
SCALE mirror lfo1-out -1 ;=7125,150,100,0
MULTIKNOB kmodsw "sync mode : %1.0f >>*" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 ;=6675,175,100,0
TMONITOR modswmon kmodsw-out " %s" tmonitor 2 normal invert ;=6825,375,100,0
SWITCH modsw 2 kmodsw-out lfo1-out mirror-out ;=6825,150,100,0
MULTIKNOB kmix1 "mix : %3.0f %% *" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 90 100 30 93 94 33 28 97 40 25 25 ;=700,525,100,0
C_MULTIPLY mixmult kmix1-out 0.01 ;=7725,150,100,0
C_SUBTRACT sub 1 mixmult-out ;=7725,175,100,0
MIX mix1 dlyadl-out scale1-out sub-out mixmult-out ;=7875,25,100,0
MIX mix2 dlyadr-out scale2-out sub-out mixmult-out ;=8025,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kphsw "phaser switch: %1.0f *" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 ;=8025,150,100,0
TMONITOR phswmon kphsw-out " %s" tmonitor 2 off on ;=8175,150,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch1 2 kphsw-out adc-null mix1-out ;=8175,25,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch2 2 kphsw-out adc-null mix2-out ;=8325,25,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch5 2 kphsw-out dlyadl-out adc-null ;=8475,25,100,0
ISWITCH iswitch6 2 kphsw-out dlyadr-out adc-null ;=8625,25,100,0
ADD phadl iswitch5-out iswitch1-out ;=8775,25,100,0
ADD phadr iswitch6-out iswitch2-out ;=8925,25,100,0
MENUPAGE verbmenu "verb params" verb 16 kvblvl-obj t_dcy-obj krdcy-obj ksize-obj kvbpdly-obj tdcymon-obj dummy-obj tweak-obj kvbhicut-obj kvblocut-obj kvbhifrq-obj kvblwfrq-obj kmdepth-obj kmrate-obj kmspan-obj kglide-obj ;=1875,650,100,0
MULTIKNOB "vrb shft" "verb switch: %1.0f *" 1 0 1 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;=8925,150,100,0
TMONITOR vrbswmon "vrb shft-out" " %s" tmonitor 2 off on ;=9075,150,100,0
ISWITCH vbswl 2 "vrb shft-out" adc-null phadl-out ;=9075,25,100,0
ISWITCH vbswr 2 "vrb shft-out" adc-null phadr-out ;=9225,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB t_dcy "t_dcy set: %2.0f>>*" 1 1 32 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1 9 10 11 8 10 11 10 11 11 10 ;=700,550,100,0
TMONITOR tdcymon t_dcy-out "plays a: %s" tmonitor 33 dummy " 10 bars" " 9 bars" " 8 bars " " 7 bars" " 6 bars" " 5 bars" " 4 bars" " 3 bars" " 2 bars" " dot whole" "whole note" "15/16 note" "14/16 note" "13/16 note" " dot 1/2" "11/16 note" "whole trip" "10/16 note" " 9/16 note" " 1/2 note" " 7/16 note" " dot 1/4" " 1/2 trip" " 5/16 note" " 1/4 note" " dot 1/8" " 1/4 trip" " 1/8 note" " dot 1/16" " 1/8 trip" " 1/16 note" " off" ;=825,550,100,0
C_TABLE table6 33 t_dcy-out 0 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 6 4 3.75 3.5 3.25 3 2.75 2.6667 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.3333 1.25 1 0.75 0.6667 0.5 0.375 0.3333 0.25 0 ;=825,575,100,0
C_MULTIPLY math6 table6-out midiclock-time_out ;=975,575,100,0
SKNOB3 krdcy "decay : %6.2f s" "" 0 0.01 4 krdcy-out 0 999.99 math6-out ;=9225,150,100,0
PERCENTKNOB ksize "rsize : %4.0f %%" "" 0 100 1 100 ;=9225,175,100,0
MULTIKNOB kvbpdly "predly : %3.0f ms *" 1 0 165 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 30 39 38 60 23 60 42 20 25 40 ;=9225,200,100,0
MULTIKNOB kvbhifrq "hifreq : %5.0f Hz *" 1 1000 20000 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 1000 6500 6800 6800 6800 8800 8400 6800 6850 6600 6800 ;=9225,225,100,0
MULTIKNOB kvblwfrq "lowfreq: %4.0f Hz *" 1 20 1000 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 20 220 200 210 200 180 240 180 180 20 220 ;=9225,250,100,0
MULTIKNOB kvblocut "lowcut : %5.1f dB *" 1 -20 0 0.1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 0 0 -0.5 0 -0.4 0 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 ;=9225,275,100,0
MULTIKNOB kvbhicut "hicut : %5.1f dB *" 1 -20 0 0.1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 -1.0001 -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1.0001 -1 -1.0001 -1 ;=9225,300,100,0
KNOB kmdepth "depth: %5.1f ms" "" 0 10 0.1 1.5199 ;=9225,325,100,0
PERCENTKNOB kmrate "rate : %4.0f %%" "" 0 100 1 13 ;=9225,350,100,0
PERCENTKNOB kmspan "span : %4.0f %%" "" 0 100 1 100 ;=9225,375,100,0
PERCENTKNOB kglide "glide: %4.0f %%" "" 0 100 1 0 ;=9225,400,100,0
REVERB_D reverb_d 2000 12 vbswl-out vbswr-out krdcy-out ksize-out kvbpdly-out kvblwfrq-out kvbhifrq-out kvblocut-out kvbhicut-out kmdepth-out kmrate-out kmspan-out kglide-out 35.7 35.4 38.3 40.5 57.7 51.9 71.3 66.5 92.3 93.2 117.6 113.3 ;=9375,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kvblvl "level : %3.0f %%*" 1 0 100 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 46 35 60 50 60 40 60 75 44 48 ;=700,575,100,0
C_MULTIPLY vblvlmult kvblvl-out 0.01 ;=9375,150,100,0
SCALE vblvl reverb_d-left vblvlmult-out ;=9525,25,100,0
SCALE vblvr reverb_d-right vblvlmult-out ;=9675,25,100,0
ADD vbadl vblvl-out phadl-out ;=9825,25,100,0
ADD vbadr vblvr-out phadr-out ;=9975,25,100,0
MULTIKNOB kogn "out gain : %3.0f dB*" 1 -20 12 1 0 11 M_tweaks-out 0 0 -1 -1 -4 -2 -5 -7 1 0 -3 ;=9975,150,100,0
GAIN ognl vbadl-out kogn-out ;=10125,25,100,0
GAIN ognr vbadr-out kogn-out ;=10275,25,100,0
MIX mix ognl-out freqshift-out 1 0.4 ;=10325,200,100,0
MIX mix3 ognr-out freqshift1-out 1 -.4 ;=10575,25,100,0
FREQSHIFT freqshift mix-out 1.4 ;=10650,250,100,0
FREQSHIFT freqshift1 mix3-out -1.4 ;=10425,500,100,0