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I agree with that. I also just checked my assumptions using VSIG with my H8000FW modules database 5.2:

  • If I save and open a file as .sif (the binary format), then VSIG saves the nodes A_TO_A and C_TO_C (in a supermodule, too).
  • If I save and open a file as .sig (the ASCII format), then VSIG removes the nodes A_TO_A and C_TO_C.

Ideally, I might like VSIG to save nodes in .sig (where I could use them for some supermodule inputs), but I?ll put my fantasy in perspective:

  • Of all H8000FW/H7600 users, some use VSIG.
  • Of all VSIG users, some use supermodules.
  • Of all supermodule users, some use input nodes.
  • Of all node users, some insist on saving as .sig.

Maybe that?s only me… one user worldwide!
