- Eventide Audio

Home Forums Products Stompboxes [RCV CTL] ? There are new choices for Receive Control to alter the unit?s BYPASS setting: ACT ? Make the unit ACTive, i.e. not bypassed. TOG ? TOGgle the between bypass and active. Reply To: [RCV CTL] ? There are new choices for Receive Control to alter the unit?s BYPASS setting: ACT ? Make the unit ACTive, i.e. not bypassed. TOG ? TOGgle the between bypass and active.


Awesome! Thank you so much guys!

The EFX goes from 1 to 128, the TF goes from 0 to 127!

So when I sent a PC 125 with the EFX, the TF actually received a PC 124, corresponding to the TOGGLE  function! It now works great when sending a PC 126 with the EFX to make the bypass function work!

Thanx again