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Sorry for not being clear….I understand that the aux switches can perform a multitude of tasks. 

In live performances, I use the aux switches for 'bank down and 'tap'. If I go to a preset that is utilizing the looper function ,the aux switches are still 'bank down' and 'tap'. These functions are not at all useful with the looper. 

It would be nice if ,when I go to to a preset  utilizing the looper funtion, the function of the aux switches would change also. 

I suppose I could just bend down and switch it out of 'bank mode'. Its just that, in a live setting, it's not too cool to squat down and make adjustments on stage. IMO

Another example, let's say  on one tune I'm using the tap function. On the next tune I want to use the hold function. Again, It would be nice if the function could change with the preset…

Maybe I could fix all of these little issues if I just got a 3 button footswitch an expression pedal eh?