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Home Forums Products Rackmount Control remote “levels” on a H8000 fw with the last V5.5 software Reply To: Control remote “levels” on a H8000 fw with the last V5.5 software

E.M Pulinx

It should be kind of you to simply  follow on the 5.5 soft what I described on 5.3 version.

It would take perhaps for you  5 min ,maybe 10 ( too long ? ) in order to verify if my  problem  of remote levels control disappears or not  on 5.5V .

I think it would not disappear, cause I could try that  on a H8000fw in Germany who had the 5.5 V,and the problem was just the same. But,for sure,I could be also a stupid guy .

It's a bit easy to recommand in order to fix that , to download the new version or to buy one :

 above all when you're going in the forum and see the problems of some users who tried  to download the V5.5 :problems of cards and adaptors .. You are sending with the machine a card and adaptor. Why then did you say  to those users  :Faulty cards or adaptors are the most common cause of update problems