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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins UltraReverb doesn’t show up in Reaper Reply To: UltraReverb doesn’t show up in Reaper



1. I can confirm that the drop down menu is frozen when running 32bit UltraReverb from 64 bit Reaper. This is a bug we didn't know about.

2. It makes sense that only the 32bit UltraReverb appears since Reaper states "If multiple VSTs are scanned with the same dll name, only one will be available: either the plugin foud later in the path list, or highest in the directory structure for a given path"

–>It would be easier to troubleshoot this problem if you deleted the 32bit version or removed the 32bit directory from your VST search path. 

3. In Preferences > Plugins > VST Plug-in Settings: can you confirm that you have "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSteinbergVST2;" listed as a search path? Can you verify that UltraReverb is in that folder?

4. It's nice to know UltraChannel is working fine. Could you email support@eventide.com so we can continue this convo via email and exchange screenshots? 

