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Home Forums Products Stompboxes New TimeFactor V5.0.0beta[75] and new H9 Control for Desktop V1.6.2! Reply To: New TimeFactor V5.0.0beta[75] and new H9 Control for Desktop V1.6.2!



I Just Tried in a PC Windows, and didn´t worked it.

It gives me "Communication Startup Failed".

So, can you give a mac alternative for fix it?

Well, you said that on Mac the Direct Updater isn't finding your TimeFactor anymore and on Windows oupdate isn't finding your TimeFactor, correct? Unfortunately, if you can't get any of your computers to find the TimeFactor, there might not be anything else we can suggest other than you send it in to us, because there's not much that can be done if our applications simply aren't seeing the TimeFactor. Sorry, I know you're in Brazil, and that's going to be a pain…  Let us know if I misunderstood something and one of our applications can at least "see" your TimeFactor. Otherwise, please send an email to support@eventide.com and link to the discussion we've had so far in this forum thread…