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This out-of-phase pair of loops takes advantage of the differing range limits in the Pitch Cntrl parameter. As the loops drift out of sync, the Eventide pitch shifter models go 'back in time'. Pitch (in the feedback loops) starts at unison, then increases to 1/3 semitone, followed by 1-1/2 semitones up.
Expression Pedal Heel: Delay B = 2000 ms.
Expression Pedal Heel: Type = Modern
Expression Pedal Heel: Pitch Cntrl = Chromatic
Expression Pedal Toe: Delay B = 1500 ms.
Expression Pedal Toe: Type = H910
Expression Pedal Heel: Pitch Cntrl = Normal
Phasing phrase loops drift in time, pitch, + shifter model & algorithm, with long decay.
Repeat switch folds in 200 ms. stutters of the audio currently looping in the buffer.
EXP PED adjusts Delay B time, type of algorithm, & pitch resolution / pitch range,
Overlapped parameter changes create 4-5 FX types (within loops) over pedal throw range.