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Eventide Staff

    Hi L,

    Unfortunately, there’s nothing implemented in the H9 that will allow a user to reverse the light functionality. I am not sure that it can be done on the Ground Control either. From what you wrote, you have GC sending ‘2’ to bypass the H9 units, which turns the LED on GC “on” and the LED on H9 “off”, correct?

    Have you tried programming GC to just toggle the H9 between Active and Bypass? I’m thinking, if you press GC and the LED lights up indicated H9 is on, maybe that’s one way of the LED’s on both units inticating ACTIVE. You’ll have to change the destination of your CC to the [TOG] parameter in RCV.CTL as indicated on pages 35 – 36. You’ll also have to decide what mode the H9’s bypass in (DSP, RELAY, DSP+FX). Granted, this is me trying to visualize what’s going on without the units in front of me. Maybe this works.